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Podiatry for Expecting Mothers

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Podiatry for Expecting Mothers

Pregnancy Foot Pain

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes significant changes over nine months, leading to various postpartum foot conditions. These changes include weight gain, increased blood volume, hormone fluctuations, limb swelling, and altered gait patterns. Common foot-related pathologies developed postpartum include:

Flatfeet deformity
Bunion deformity
Hammertoe deformity
Plantar fasciitis
Varicose veins
Knee and back pain

Appropriate durable medical equipment (DME) can address these issues. The combination of orthopedic shoes and custom foot orthotics (CFO) supports and prevents foot deformities and pain, while knee-high compression socks (20-30mmHg) help manage varicose veins and lower extremity edema.