Podiatry for Diabetics
Conditions We Treat
Happy Feet-4-ALL has established a program for people that are diagnosed with diabetes. In Today’s world diabetes is a pandemic. We’ve identified and established strategic partnerships with DME providers that specialize in managing this chronic disease. Our network of DME companies consists of fully credentialed and accredited DME/O&P providers that proudly wear “The Gold Seal Of Approval” from The joint Commission accrediting body in health care, as well as others. Our goal is to establish a two-way relationship with HealthCare facilities in order to become a strategic partner and accomplish the same mission: heightened accessibility to better healthcare in underserved communities of NYC.

DME plays a crucial role in both limb salvage and wound care. As we know, the diabetic population has the highest risk and complication numbers. Stricken with diabetic neuropathy, increased volition for infections and multiple comorbidities, these patients are an example when immediate care can be provided with DME. A basic and proper diabetic shoes with plastizote inserts prevents ulcerations, blisters, cuts, bruises and over rate of infection. Patients that have deformities which otherwise make it impossible to walk can be given a simple leg and foot brace and starting walking within days. Additionally, anyone who in unfortunate to undergo amputations and surgical procedures in concurrence with Diabetes and Infections will be able to avoid a bed ridden existence through the use of proper durable medical equipment.
Finally, DME is a crucial and fundamental aspect of wound care. Any ulceration that is being treated by serial debridements always require appropriate offloading in order to heal. Otherwise, any retained ground reactive forces that occur with weightbearing will catapult the patient into a recurring cycle of healing, reulceration and infection. DME allows the inflicted foot to be offloaded, boosts healing time, and in the long run gets the patient back on their feet and prevents reoccurrence.